Mobile App Prototype

Mobile App Prototype: Best Way to Sell Your App Idea to Investors in 2022 

Mobile App Prototype: Best Way to Sell Your App Idea to Investors in 2022 

It is a fact that there are millions of mobile apps available for download in different mobile operating systems. Let's be honest: some of them seem to be copying one another, while some feel like it is the most useless app you have ever downloaded. If you are a developer or a company trying to sell a mobile app to an investor, this fact could be hard to hide. It is highly suggested to create a prototype, which will greatly help in pitching the app idea to an investor.

It is natural for an investor to be wise when it comes to decision-making. If you are selling an app idea to an investor, make sure that you are prepared even with the weirdest question you can think of. Any question left unanswered or without the right words could make you lose your deal.

The best and proven way to sell your app idea to investors is through creating a mobile app prototype.

What is a mobile app prototype?

Even if your app idea has the best solution to one of the biggest problems of your country, pitching it just through words could be a challenge. For starters, what you have promised that the app can do could be very complicated or even impossible to do.

To solve this issue, a mobile app prototype could be the solution. This refers to a visual sample of what the app would be in real life, including the design and function. It does not have a working code that translates the user's action to what the app should do. Presenting a prototype is like putting the app idea into reality - but without the hassle of investing your own resources in creating the functional one.

Why do we need a prototype?

It is important to know why a prototype is essential when presenting the app to an investor. Based on the definition of "Prototype" that has been given earlier, this would give the investor the chance to imagine how things would look like when the app will be commercially available to the respective app stores. At the end of the day, investors are still businessmen. They would be investing in those ideas that can give the return on investment fast in order to realize profits. Creating a prototype will help them picture how the app will solve a specific problem and provide a picture of what would be the reaction of potential users when it is launched in the market.

Investors would usually ask their close friends or relatives for their opinion, which will be hard to explain when it is only discussed solely through words. This will also avoid an investor having an assumption of how the app works, which the prototype will ensure that both of you are on the same page.

When presenting a prototype to an investor, it would also help by informing them how it will be relevant to the market. While breaking down the prototype you are about to explain, avoid using jargon unless you are sure that you are presenting to someone who has a good background in creating or developing apps. On top of this, make sure that there is a clear mission and provision for future developments of the app. Make sure not to forget to explain how the app will solve a specific problem.

Types of prototype

There are three types of prototypes that you can present to an investor or anyone interested in your app: the Static, Functional, and Working prototypes.

The Static (Hand-sketched) prototype

From the word itself, a static prototype is the simplest one that you may even do by hand. You may also take advantage of apps that let the users draw the screen designs with the use of a tablet. Compared to the other ones, this prototype helps the designer or developers easily draw an idea without the hassle of using computer software. This is also the most recommended one when the team is still in the brainstorming or planning process. Just ensure that the idea is feasible and can be done by the back-end team.

The Functional Prototype

To give a more lasting impression to investors, you may opt to use a functional prototype. This is the type when the few screens of the app are presented in an interactive way such as a video or a continuous slideshow. This does not only show the functionalities of the app, it also shows the flow of how the app can be used. This may give the investors a clearer picture of what the app would look like in real life and how it should respond to each process. In addition, suggestions to improve the overall design and user interface could be very helpful. Just like the static version, there are now websites and apps that are more accessible that can help create this prototype.

The Working Prototype

If you would like to opt for a more realistic feel, creating a working prototype can be impressive to some investors. This type of prototype is created by having a mock-up app where it is installed on a mobile device and shows what exactly happens when a function is tapped. When presenting this prototype, it is important to emphasize that it is not the app itself. This kind of sample app does not have the codes from the back-end, which could mislead the investors for the app's real purpose. Inform them that it is only a prototype to show what it would look like in real life. This could also be the chance to get some feedback on how to improve the app.


The next big thing in the world of mobile apps could be your idea. Creating a prototype will help investors understand the app better and have the chance to showcase its key features. By doing this, you also demonstrate how the problems of your customers or users can be solved.

A digital agency can help you through every step of the way, including the creation of a prototype of your project. Contact now an award-winning digital marketing agency that can get it done before the same idea is launched in the mobile app market!

Sacha Christe

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