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Email Marketing Growth Hacks Your Business Should Follow To Increase Conversion Rate

Email Marketing Growth Hacks Your Business Should Follow To Increase Conversion Rate

Every business has the aim to reach out to as many potential customers as they could. Through the years, there are plenty of new ways to connect with such customers. However, there is one marketing technique that has been present since the popularity of the use of emails. This refers to email marketing – where a business sends a commercial message from a database with the use of email.

Should I do Email Marketing?

If you look closely at the new digital marketing options, some may find emails to be the most ineffective option. In different surveys and research, email marketing is still the most preferred primary medium for receiving marketing communication from companies or brands. Along with the new ways to add content via email, this communication channel could be more interactive compared to other marketing strategies.

Aside from this, there are plenty of advantages to using email marketing. It includes the following: easy response from customers (replying to the same email), real-time communication even on mobile devices, measurable brand engagement, more affordable compared to most digital marketing options, can target specific demographics, and much more.

Are you now convinced to start email marketing? Here are some of the growth hacks to make it much more effective.

Gather as plenty of email addresses as possible from existing and interested customers.

Some business owners may think that getting the customer’s email address is hard. Don’t be shy to ask your customers directly – you might be surprised that most of them are willing to do so. Depending on your approach, getting information from customers isn’t really tricky. There are companies offering discounts in exchange for a working email address. It is usually posted on social media or they would add a flashing message on their website or mobile app. They will send the discount code via email, which also doubles as a way of checking if the address provided is working.

Make the content short yet engaging.

Most customers would find long emails to be ridiculous, especially when it is a marketing email. Though the goal is to inform customers with complete information, emails with plenty of characters could be too boring to be read. Ensure that the subject and the first few lines from the message should be catchy – as emails show these as a preview, especially for the notifications on mobile devices. Think out of the box, as common email introductions such as “Hope you are doing well” are now considered to be for office use only.

Add some humor.

At current times like this, email campaign from businesses that sounds too serious or plain-looking could be easily disregarded. Adding some humor could lessen the feeling of intimidation from customers who would like to buy from you. Be careful not to cross the line as some jokes or funny lines could be offensive for some. Don’t force humor as well, it could result in customers having a negative perception of your brand. Obviously, not all businesses may be suitable or preferable to be funny in their emails. The key is using the right words, proper tone, and delivery – that some customers may look forward to receiving your next email campaign!

Ensure that it is proofread before sending.

As you might have observed, most spam and scam messages have incorrect grammar and/or spelling. Readers could easily disregard your email when mistakes are found. They might also be cautious on clicking on any media or link that you have added, as people are getting smarter in avoiding email phishing, malware, and Spywares. There are many websites that offer free grammar and spell check, which can help you reduce costs. This may look like a small issue, but errors can also affect your reputation with customers.

Include other communication channels.

Never forget to inform customers regarding different ways how to reach out to your company or brand. One of the ways is by adding an email signature that includes a name, phone number, email address, and even the office or shop location. Some may even add links from the company’s official social media pages. It makes reaching out to your company easier, whether it is an inquiry or a complaint. Another reason why it is a must is that this information could entice the customer to engage with your business.

Consistency is the key.

Sending one email communication is enough? It’s a case-to-case basis but most likely it's a no. Don’t get too excited, 2 to 4 per month is the preferred frequency when sending emails to customers. Anything less or beyond that number may result in users requesting to opt-out from receiving your emails. Ensure to send them at the best time you think your target market will read them. For example, if you would like to reach out to office workers, try sending an email after office hours as they are more likely to engage during that time.

In conclusion

There are plenty of marketing strategies available today, but the traditional ones could still be effective today. This includes the use of email marketing, as it helps businesses deliver a message to both existing and potential customers without much effort and less cost is involved. Be creative when it comes to gathering email addresses from customers. Whenever creating a campaign for this marketing strategy, make sure that email is well-reviewed from the technicalities (such as grammar and spelling) up to the tone and delivery. To make it more effective, consistency could be the key.

Don’t know where to start promoting your business or brand via email marketing? Digital marketing agencies can do the hard job for you. Aside from this, they have better information regarding your target market that will make email marketing more effective. Once you have discussed your business goals with them, they can provide out-of-the-box suggestions that will surely increase the conversion rate. See your business grow even with this traditional marketing campaign strategy. Contact one of the best digital marketing agencies in the region and prepare to have increased brand awareness and better sales!

Sacha Christe

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